ATC's Mixed Media 2016.

The materials I used for my ATC's vary for every one. The materials I used throughout all of them are string, tissue paper, and a piece of cut out folder for my card. On the purple card, I also used a button and a felt tip pen. I used the felt tip pen to draw circles to get the viewer's eyes to look at the corners because I drew triangles in the corners. On my blue card, I used paint to draw the attention to the button I put on it. On the red card, I used yellow string to get the viewer's eyes to lead to the yellow button surrounded by the yellow paper cut out. On my green paper, I used red string to stand out more and direct the eyes towards the button I placed on the card. The red string on the white card allows the eyes to look all around. While looking all around, one comes across an eye-catching yellow triangle. On my ATC's, I used many different materials to draw attention to not only on the eye-catching object, but the objects that lead the eyes to them. 

Homage to Piet Mondrian with Diagonal Lines. Tempera Paint on Canvasboard. 2016.

I decided to paint a homage to Piet Mondrian's Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue. I put a twist on the colors by using blue and orange, which are complementary colors, and the color brown. I used a neutral color to create an eye-catching spin. With the neutral color, it shifts the eyes everywhere on the painting. It allows a person to look all around it and not just at one specific place. The large triangle in the center of my painting was painted in red to make it stand out a little, but not too much. I decided to outline all of the lines in black to make it stand out more. I wanted to make it noticeable when one square ended and another one started.

Self Portrait with Action Painting. Tempera Paint on Canvasboard. 2016.

I have created a homage to Jackson Pollock with action painting. I chose to paint the background with different shades of dark gray. I chose to drizzle and drip bright colors that would stand out.Using bright colors made it more upbeat and exciting. Drizzling and dripping the paint caused me to use the paint brush in different ways. My self portrait is in different shades of grey to have it stand out from the background. Using the different shades of grey and the bright colors shifts the eyes all around the painting.